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Dr Cathy Linson

Like many empaths and old souls, I chose to come into a life of difficult circumstances. Always a seeker, I found a wonderfully intuitive therapist who helped guide me on a path to healing and spiritual growth. With the help of my guides - Anna, Grandmother of Jesus among them - I continue to bring balance to my life and to support others efforts to bring balance to theirs.

A PhD in Clinical Psychology with a strong basis in the work of Carl Jung I chose not to become a licensed psychologist but rather studied to become a Reiki Master and later developed my own method of energy work. I have been working as a Life and Spiritual Coach for over 30 years including energy work as a way to aid people in releasing blockages and creating balance more easily.

I help people to identify and dissolve what is limiting them from creating the life they choose. We create every ache and pain, every event, interaction and experience we have in life, not just the good ones or the big ones but every single moment of our life is created by us. If we are creating consciously from love and joy our experience will be effortless, loving and joyful. When our experiences are anything less than joyful we are offered an opportunity to choose again.  In every single moment of our life we get the opportunity to see the truth about what we think, feel and believe by looking with courage and honesty at what we created.  Once we see it, we can dissolve the unconscious programming and choose to create anew.  Being guided and supported in this process by 
someone who knows the path and  is objective, present, honest and connected to spirit can help.

Green Valley
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